Showing: 1-10 of 56 results

Medical and Disability Camps Kindred Community Calls

Join us bimonthly for conversation and sharing.  Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 3:00 pm Eastern -...

Quality Improvement in Action: Improve

The last phase of the continuous improvement cycle is “improve”. This is where the magic happens and steps to improve can be discovered! Using learnings from the reflection process during “plan”, key...

Quality Improvement in Action: Plan

The third phase of the continuous improvement cycle is “plan”. This important step in the process is dedicated to review and reflection. After assessments are completed, digging into the data and...

Quality Improvement in Action: Assess

The second phase of the continuous improvement cycle is “assess”. During this phase, camp professionals organize and execute program quality assessments at their camp, facilitate ongoing coaching...

2023 ACA Staffing Summit

ACA Inc., ACA, New York and New Jersey, ACA, Illinois and ACA, New England are proud to present the 2023 Staffing Summit. The 2023 Staffing Summit will feature critical learning, speaker panels,...

Quality Improvement in Action

Camp is a setting where many young people feel safe to be themselves and supported to engage in new and exciting activities. This doesn’t just inherently happen, but instead must be created through...

Top 25 Staffing Solutions Gathered through Collaboration

Highlighted here is a curated collection of great ideas about how to recruit and retain staff — a direct result of the last two years of conferences and various collaborative brainstorming sessions...

The Celebration of Difference in Camp!

Join us for a presentation on the benefits of celebrating differences in the camp bubble. Within any group of campers and staff comes a great deal of diversity and difference. The great equalizer of...

The Ultimate Guide to Staffing Your Kitchen

It’s not you. With a 3:1 ratio of available culinary positions to applicants, the labor shortage for kitchen staff continues to be a harsh reality. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the...

Informed Staffing through "Form Follows Function" Program Assessment

In architecture, the phrase “form follows function” means that a building’s purpose should be the starting point for its design. Similarly, the purpose of camp staff — why you have them and what...