Showing: 1-10 of 173 results

2024 ACA Staffing Summit

ACA Inc., ACA, New York and New Jersey, ACA, Illinois, and ACA, New England are proud to present the 2024 Staffing Summit. The 2024 Staffing Summit will feature critical learning, speaker panels,...

Compensating Camp Staff in 2024: Key Wage Issues to Consider in Setting Your Pay Policies

This article provides an update on the new "white collar" rule and discusses key issues regarding the compensation of camp staff, with a particular focus on the nuances of the 13(a)(3) "seasonal"...

The New Geographic Demographic for Day Camps: Hiring Staff Outside Your Area Code

If you’re responsible for hiring staff to work at day camp, you may be summing up today’s to-do list in one short phrase: Find more people! Far from being the second choice for those who don’t...

Template Resource Documents for Camp Operations

ACA is committed to providing resources to assist in your camp's operation. These resources include sample schedules, planning forms, charts of accounts, supply lists, and more. These samples...

Staff Recruitment & Retention Downloadable Handouts

These free resources help tell the story about the importance of adding summer camp experience to a resume!

Building a Referral Machine

Algorithms change and consultants retire, change jobs, or are absorbed by other concerns. Most of it is outside of your control and will at times leave you feeling like a ping-pong ball. The constant...

Dynamic Interviewing: Making Connections Across the Season

If you’re not referring to your interview questions across the season and turning them into outcomes for your staff, let me tell you why you should.

Do Employers Understand Summer Camp?

We need to educate the workforce on why they should hire people who worked at camp.

How Working at Summer Camp Changed the Trajectory of My Life

Jordyn Roark, MSW, originally applied to a summer camp job to secure summer housing — but what she also found was a life-changing experience.

CampWire Episode 64: 2023 Staffing Summit Preview

Get ready for the third annual Staffing Summit! Tune in to learn about this year's event, including major themes, keynote speakers, and session topics. Thanks to Staffing Summit Co-Chairs Kim...