Indiana State University

University/College Address
Arena C-10
Terre Haute Indiana
Department Name
Recreation and Nonprofit Leadership Program
Dr. Nathan A. Schaumleffel
Degree's Offered
Format for Degree
Campus-based: undergrad
Category of Major/emphasis area offered
General Recreation/Parks Management
Therapeutic Recreation
Sport Management
Youth Development
Names of Specific Major(s)
Bachelor of Science in Recreation and Sport Management with a Concentration in Recreation Management and Youth Leadership; Certifications: Nonprofit Leadership Alliance (CNP) & Indiana YouthPRO Association - Indiana Youth Development (IYD) Credential
List academic courses offered (max 5) of specific interest to a camp professional
RCSM-235: Introduction to Recreation Management and Youth Leadership, RCSM-363: Design & Facilitation of Adventure Challenge Experiences, RCSM-440: Volunteer Management, RCSM-460: Organization and Administration of Camping, RCSM-483: Fundamentals of Fundraising for Nonprofit Organizations
List certificate programs or continuing education courses offered (max of 5) of specific interest to a camp professional
RCSM-150: Introduction to Nonprofit Management, RCSM-236: Fundamentals of Group Leadership, RCSM-369: Expedition Leadership, RCSM-449: Independent Study (Wilderness First Responder), RCSM-451: Facility Management & Outdoor Design
Learning experiences required/recommended as part of your degree program
Research projects
Internship/practicum Coordinator contact
Dr. Nathan A. Schaumleffel
Internship/practicum Coordinator Phone Number
Internship/practicum Coordinator E-mail