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- Chesapeake
- Great Rivers
- Heart of the South
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Keystone Regional
- Michigan
- New England
- New York & New Jersey
- Northern California
- Northland
- Northwest
- Ohio
- Rocky Mountain
- Southeastern
- Southern California/Hawaii
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- St. Louis
- Texoma
- Upstate New York
- Virginias
- Wisconsin
- States (13): Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
- ACA local offices (5): Northern California, Northwest, Rocky Mountain, Southern California, Southwest
- States (19): Alabama, Arkansas, part of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin
- ACA local offices (8): Great Rivers, Heart of the South, Indiana, Michigan, Northland, St. Louis, Texoma, Wisconsin
- States (13): Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, part of New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia
- ACA local offices (6): Chesapeake, Keystone Regional, Ohio, Southeastern, Upstate New York, Virginias