Post a short description of your product or service. Your posting will remain on this page for a minimum of six months.  

To qualify for a posting, you must:

  1. Be an active ACA Business Affiliate. Not a member? Join today.
  2. The post must be about a new service or product that has not been promoted to ACA camps in the past.
  3. Send a paragraph, no more than two (equivalent to a half-page), about your product or service to  If you send more, ACA can edit it to a half-page.  Include a title for your page.
  4. If using photos, send no more than two at 100MB.
  5. If using a video, it must be hosted on YouTube or Vimeo.  You will send that link along with your content.
  6. You can have one post per quarter.  Additional posts will cost $500 each.

Check out current postings for examples.