Undergraduate and Graduate Programs with Camp and Youth Development Offerings

Colleges and universities in the directory offer academic programs in camp, recreation, youth development, and related fields. The directory provides useful contact information, degrees, majors, online options, and related coursework for anyone interested in academic coursework.

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The listings in this directory will continue to change over time as more colleges and universities add their information.

College/University Sort descending Department State
Ohio University Recreation and Sport Pedagogy Ohio
Oklahoma Baptist University Division of Health and Human Performance Oklahoma
Old Dominion University Department of Human Movement Studies & Special Education Virginia
Our Lady of the Lake Department of Education Texas
PennWest California Office of Admissions Pennsylvania
Queens University School of Education North Carolina
Saint Joseph's University Department of Education Pennsylvania
Salem State University Sport & Movement Science Massachusetts
Sam Houston State University Office of Admission Texas
San Diego State University Recreation and Tourism Management California
San Francisco State University Recreation, Parks, & Tourism California
Simpson University Outdoor Leadership California
Springfield College Department of Social Sciences Massachusetts
Springfield College Sport Management and Recreation Massachusetts
State University of New York at Cortland Recreation, Parks and Leisure Studies New York
Sweet Briar College Admissions Virginia