The focus for 2017-2018 was on the following issues related to camp staff:

  • Staff demographic characteristics
  • Number of staff hired, including seasonal, year-round, international, and volunteer
  • Salaries, benefits, and retention among seasonal and year-round staff
  • Recruitment practices and challenges
  • Staff training and professional development 

The survey was sent to 2,373 ACA member camps the November 2018 via an online survey. Primary contacts from 426 of these camps responded, which represents an 18% response rate. Data segmented according to the following categories:

Segments and descriptions

Reports are available in Day, Overnight, or Day and Overnight versions and include summary information and interpretation (charts, graphs, and description of trends) and data tables for comparison by camp affiliation, budget size, and region

Get the Survey Results

Other Business Reports

Check out other business reports such as the ACA Camp Business Operations Report and the ACA Camp Sites, Facilities, and Programs Report as these may also be informative when evaluating your camp’s business model.