The ACA Camp Sites, Facilities, and Programs Report: 2020 is an invaluable resource for camps interested in examining their business operations around programs, grounds, and facilities. Data for this report were gathered in November of 2019 in a survey sent to the primary contacts for 2,405 ACA accredited and member camps. A total of 679 camps from the national sample responded to the survey (28% response rate).
Findings include:
- camp property characteristics and nature of ownership
- facilities and facility capacity
- programs, partnerships, and outcome areas
- session lengths
- enrollment and enrollment trends
Respondents were asked to self-identify based on their primary program format: day only, overnight only, and combination of day and overnight. Camps providing trip and travel programs and rental-based services were grouped into whichever category they selected. Reports are available in the following camp formats:
- Camps providing day camp experiences only
- Camps providing overnight camp experiences only
- Camps providing some combination of day, overnight, and rental group programming
Within these reports, key data points are further segmented by region, budget size, and business model (independent not-for-profit, independent for-profit, agency-affiliated, faith-based, and municipal/local government).
Download Survey Results
Other Business Reports
Check out other business reports such as the ACA Compensation, Benefits, and Professional Development Report and the ACA Camp Business Operations Report as these may also be informative when evaluating your camp’s business model.