Showing: 61-70 of 156 results

Risk Management and Negligent Hiring Under New Federal Law

Since October 9, 1998, when the Volunteers for Children Act, was signed into law by President Clinton as Public Law 105-251 and amended the National Child Protection Act of 1993, if a volunteer or...

New Federal Bunk Bed Rules

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has issued a mandatory federal safety standard for bunk beds. These rules are mandatory for manufacturers of bunk beds as of July 1, 2000. We are...

Do Camps Need an Affirmative Action Policy?

Affirmative action is a much discussed and debated subject. We hear political candidates talk about it. We read about it in newspapers and magazines. Occasionally, we learn that courts make rulings...

Pointers For Dealing With Complaints

As we observe what is happening in camps (and other youth programs) around the country, we see that parents or guardians seem far more ready to register complaints both with the camp and with ACA....

Obtaining Permission to Take and Use Photographs for Commercial Purposes

As stated in the accompanying article "A Picture’s Worth....", obtaining permission to take and use photographs of campers and staff is an important step in risk management. While right of publicity...

Preparing for Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Remote Environments: Strategies for Successful Camp AED Programs

Last summer, two Silver Springs, Maryland, YMCA employees saved the life of a camp member who experienced sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) by quickly using an automated external defibrillator (AED). This...

Contracting Your Camp for Third Party Use: Legal and Practical Issues in Use Agreements

Many camps allow the use of their facilities by outside parties ("user group"1) — that is, groups and individuals other than customary and traditional campers. These user groups and their events vary...

How Will Sarbanes-Oxley Affect Your Organization?

In response to corporate and accounting scandals, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (the Act) was signed into law July 30, 2002. Enacted to restore public confidence and trust in America’s corporate...

Business Interruption Risks

Camp directors don't spend enough time considering the risks of business interruption. Inadequate preparation increases the risk of financial loss and carries with it potentially catastrophic...

Staffing Issues for a Quality Camp Program

  The Issue here are many areas of staffing important to the running of a quality camp program. Camps, for example, must be sensitive to the variety of state and federal laws that outline...