Showing: 21-30 of 86 results

Camper Medical Risks and Trends

Recent trends indicate camp directors are buying less camper accident and sickness medical insurance and relying more on a parent’s insurance to pay for the occasional camper injury or illness. As a...

Risk Management: Camp Management Liability — Evolving Risk

Our uncertain economic times serve as a reminder that the business of camp is full of change. When society, environments, and circumstances change, camp directors and owners are challenged to...

Risk Management: Privacy and Security Risks

The right to privacy is well established in the legal system of the United States. As citizens of the United States, we expect that our right to privacy will be respected. Virtually all businesses...

Health Care Reform - Impact on Camps as Employers

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (HCERA) were signed into law in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Included in these new “health...

Risk Management: Changing Risk — Paying for and Coordinating Health Care at Camp after Health Care Reform

This information is current as of July 24, 2013. For the latest information, please visit

Calling All Risk Champions!

Each year, the Insurance Committee holds a Roundtable with many of the camp industry insurers and brokers in conjunction with the American Camp Association National Conference. The 2017 Roundtable...

Regale la experiencia de campamento

¿Juguetes? ¿Juegos? ¿Los últimos aparatos electrónicos? Cada temporada festiva, los padres y abuelos se enfrentan a la difícil decisión de qué regalar a sus niños. Este año quítese ese peso de encima...

Destinación: Campamento

Un recurso completo para las familias que ofrece consejo profesional de expertos en campamentos sobre la selección de campamento, el momento preciso, el desarrollo infantil y juvenil, y asuntos...

Consejos para escoger un campamento

Acreditación La acreditación de ACA les garantiza a los padres que el campamento ha pasado una inspección habitual e independiente que va más allá de la regulación establecida en la mayoría de los...

Una colaboración para el cuidado de los niños – Padres y campamentos combinan sus esfuerzos

La protección del niño es una responsabilidad compartida Nada puede reemplazar la vigilancia y el cuidado de los padres a la hora de determinar lo que constituye una situación segura para sus...