Showing: 41-50 of 679 results

Blessing of the Least Favorite Activity

Guest post by Audrey Monke In her best-selling book, The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, Wendy Mogel discusses the importance...

My Favorite Camp Counselor

Guest post by Michael Eisen When I was nine years old I spent my first summer at camp. It was a huge...

Fun = Success!

“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” — Dale Carnegie Did you know that when your kids have the chance to engage in free,...

The Right Activities for the Right Moments

Sometimes having the right activity at the right moment can make the difference between a good day and a great day at camp! Here are some no-planning, no-equipment-necessary games that you can play...

Nature Nurtures Kids!

Stargazing in the night sky, hiking in an ancient forest, even just feeling the breeze on a warm day — these simple things help kids find peace of mind, wonder, and a greater connection to the...

Dear Mom and Dad . . . Come Get Me NOW!

Guest post by Missy Schenck        The first time I went away to summer camp I had just finished the third grade. All first-year campers have nagging...

Handling Campers' Homesickness

According to author and psychologist Michael Thompson, PhD, 97 percent of children experience at least some occasional homesick feelings at camp. Considering that statistic, you’ll probably have...

Practicing Independence

At camp, some kids practice sports, some practice instruments, and some practice their belly flops. But one thing that ALL campers practice is independence! Camp provides a nurturing and safe...

Messages for an Anxious Camper

Guest post by Audrey Monke “Children want to be independent, and they realize that they cannot be truly independent until they beat homesickness, even when they have a painful case of...

You're Not Alone — Even the President Gets "Kidsick"!

If you’re feeling the blues while your child is away at camp — or anticipating the day they leave for camp with a little sadness — you’re not alone. In fact, even President Obama feels this way about...