Showing: 41-50 of 216 results

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Update: January 2021

In consideration of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday and the events of the past few weeks, we believe that it is important for the American Camp Association (ACA) to again state that we stand in...

Financial Relief for Camps Beyond Paycheck Protection Program

The federal relief bill passed in December includes an option for financial relief for businesses in addition to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) that is only now beginning to get noticed. The...

The American Camp Association Validates a Research Study Published on the 2020 Summer Camp Experience During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Study Demonstrates Day and Overnight Camps Successfully Mitigated COVID-19 Spread in 2020   Martinsville, IN— (February 23, 2021)  — The American Camp...

CDC Prioritization of Camp Staff for COVID-19 Vaccinations

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) previously expanded the definition of "essential workers" to incorporate out-of-school time workers, including camp staff. To support that move,...

New American Camp Association Survey Demonstrates Camps Can Operate Safely

Summer 2020 survey confirms safety and offers hope for children to rebuild necessary social and emotional connections through camp experiences this summer.   Martinsville...

North American Association for Environmental Education

NAAEE promotes excellence in environmental education throughout North America and more than 30 countries throughout the world. NAAEE is dedicated to strengthening the field of environmental education...

Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education

American Camp Association Offers Context on CDC Study and Implications for Back to School

Martinsville, IN—July 31, 2020 Today’s Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) study of a single summer camp’s Covid-19 infections tells an incomplete story. To better...

ACA Advocating for Critical Financial Support for Camps

ACA recognizes the tragic impact the coronavirus has had on the field of camp. Our current estimates indicate that more than 19 million people who are traditionally served by camps did not have the...

As Summer Camp Season Ends, Numbers Indicate a Positive Experience, Says the American Camp Association

More than 3,000 day and overnight camps nationwide ran safe programs with positive outcomes for families.   Martinsville, IN (August 7, 2020) - Positioned at the...