Showing: 21-30 of 48 results

Making Mental Health Matter at Camp

In 1987, I reported to camp for my first full summer as a counselor. The campers were to arrive only a few days later, but I was confident that I would have no trouble as a staff member with a cabin...

Did You Know? Update Your Knowledge

Staying abreast of health-related updates that impact camp practices is challenging but worth the effort, especially for readers who supervise staff providing care to campers and/or other staff. Here...

Become Trauma-Informed: Add Capacity to Your MESH Toolbox

Did you know that two out of every three adults have experienced at least one adverse childhood event (ACE) by the time they reach 18 years of age? In addition, one in eight adults reports...

Planning for Mental, Emotional, and Social Health (MESH) This Summer

The smiling faces and laughter heard across camps each summer result from days, weeks, and months of planning. We spend considerable time meticulously planning our themes, activities, equipment, food...

Why Every Camp Should Be Teaching and Practicing Meditation with Campers

The wonder of a child — it’s something we strive for in adulthood. Imagination, amazement, and the simple appreciation for life’s little treasures: the gold spray of sunlight through a window, or the...

Mental, Emotional, and Social Health Situations at Camp

Linda Ebner Erceg, RN, MS, PHN, shares some mental, emotional, and social health (MESH) situations that may occur at camp and how to respond appropriately.

Nellie's Gift: A Story of Trauma-Informed Care

Nellie was a conundrum. She didn’t smile very readily and preferred hanging out at the edge of camper groups. She didn’t initiate conversation either; she generally waited until someone approached...

How to Get Kids to Calm Down

Working closely and networking with other camp professionals is one of the best tools for growing our own camp programs. I am fortunate to have a dear friend, Audrey Monke, who is the owner/director...

The Most Important Question You Can Ask an Alumni Staff Applicant

We love having alumni apply to work for our program. Following their years of participation as campers, we ask them to step away for a year or two before they can reengage as a staff member. We...

The Talk That Set Up Success

Like many camps that are hiring college-aged staff to work during the summer, over the past few years I have noticed an increase in staff that are being treated for (or have recently been treated for...