Showing: 31-40 of 239 results

The FEMA Nonprofit Security Grant Program

In 2023, an overnight camp in the Northeast received $150,000 to upgrade its security. These funds allowed the camp to replace fences, add a security exit gate, and install protective window coating...

Water: Exploring Its Significance, Sustenance, and Sources

Water is sustenance for every living being on earth. Albert Szent-Gyorgi, MD summed it up best, saying, “Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water” (Szent-...

Does Summer Camp Have to Perpetuate Junk Food Culture?

"Junk food” is a term we often use to describe highly processed or ultra-processed food that likely has “many added ingredients such as sugar, salt, fat, and artificial colors or preservatives. '...

Get on It! Online, On-Site, Ongoing and On-Point Training

How will you tailor your training approach to ensure that staff are well-trained and equipped for the diverse challenges they’ll face?

Are You ADA-Compliant?

How do these laws apply to the camp industry?

The Crucial Role of Infectious Disease Testing in Protecting the Immunocompromised

Infectious diseases pose a significant threat to individuals with weakened immune systems, known as the immunocompromised. Whether they are undergoing chemotherapy, organ transplantation, or living...

Stay Sun Safe This Summer

Sunshine is synonymous with camp. It can be healthy, and it can lift your spirits — but the sun can also be dangerous. Sunlight produces ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can lead to changes in the...

The Four C's of a Great Summer Camp

At its best, summer camp is a silly, spirited place. A place where the group who cooks the best outdoor meal wins a metal spoon that has been spray-painted gold (the golden spoon! ooooh, aaaaah);...

Before You Quit: How to Get the Most Out of Your Summer at Camp

I had just finished running a marathon and had flopped onto the grass to rest. I was so tired that I hadn’t registered that the tired runner sitting next to me was a former camp counselor. He had...

Developing Social-Emotional Learning Skills at Camp

Welcome to summer camp, potentially the most rewarding job you’ll ever have! At camp, we are able to simultaneously help kids grow, make genuine connections with campers and fellow staff, and role...