Showing: 31-40 of 48 results

Kids and Healthy Lifestyles: How Camps Can Help

Child Obesity: A National Public Health Problem As the child obesity epidemic rears its overweight head across the nation, affecting one in five children, camps can play a vital role in the rescue...

Make a Commitment: Encouraging Wellness and Healthy Living at Camp

An alarming study purports that the current generation of children may have shorter life expectancies than their parents for the first time in over two centuries. The rapid rise in childhood obesity...

Building Principles: Wisdom Overhead

American poet and diplomat James Russell Lowell is quoted as saying, “Compromise makes a good umbrella, but a poor roof; it is temporary expedient, often wise in party politics, almost sure to be...

Bridges, Culverts, and Fords: A Ditch in Time — Reprised!

In my November/December 2011 column, we looked at roadway drainage, focusing mostly on how water gets from the road surface and then how it’s conveyed in ditches parallel to the roadway. Since we...

Ramblings of a Grumpy, Old Camp Cook

With the passing of my 65th birthday, I began reflecting a lot on my life, as I imagine many have done at the passage of this age. Looking back, the many summers I spent as a cook/food service...

The Tell-Tale Heart and Your Floors

Over the past year, we’ve become aware of some innovations that may make carpeting a more suitable and attractive alternative than it has been before. Given the heavy soiling brought in with camp...

Buffet, Serving Line, and Family Style: The Pros and Cons

What type of dining service does your camp use? To get an idea of what is currently popular in camps, I conducted a survey among camp food service directors and received some insightful responses...

Whatever the Weather

One of my fondest camp memories is of sitting in a large platform tent with my other new friends during a torrential downpour. Like most suburban kids I knew, I had long been schooled to come in the...

How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck? And Would You Know How to Decipher the Tag on the Lumber?

A decade ago, the United States market voluntarily abandoned the long-standing wood preservative and treatment method where an arsenic and copper compound was forced into the fibers of the lumber....

J-1 Visas: Camp Counselor and Summer Work Travel Programs

The ACA Government Affairs team — consisting of ACA leadership, ACA volunteer leaders, an ACA consultant, and ACA hired lobbyists — continue to vigorously defend the need for and value of J-1 Visa...