Showing: 1-10 of 63 results

Top 7 Tips from a Summer Camp Director

We've collected the top seven tips from summer camp professionals around the country to make sure your child (and you) has the best summer ever.

Videos: The Impact of Camp

Does summer camp really make a difference? We know camp changes lives but what impact does it have on the lives of former campers? The American Camp Association’s large-...

Give the Gift of Camp

Each holiday season, parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles are faced with the hard decision of what gifts to give children. This year, as part of your holiday gift list, consider the ...

Why Can’t School Be More Like Camp?

Yesterday, my fourth grade son came home from school downcast. It’s his third week at a new school, and I had encouraged him to find a friend or two to invite over to swim. He had asked two boys for...

Para promover el desarrollo juvenil por medio de la investigación

Para promover el desarrollo juvenil por medio de la investigación Para enriquecer la vida de los niños: Una generosa beca de Lilly Endowment Inc. ayudó a financiar el estudio de...

Ayude a sus hijos a anticiparse a la hiedra, el roble y el zumaque venenosos

¡Atención, padres de campistas! El comienzo de la temporada de campamento está a la vuelta de la esquina. Ustedes han elegido el campamento perfecto y este es el momento de asegurarse de que su hijo...

Child/Adolescent Development Articles for Parents

The Boy in the Boat - Life Lessons Learned at Camp...

The Power of Play

Dr. David Elkind Urges Parents to Add More Play to their Children's Lives "The traditional summer camp recognizes that play is a powerful form of learning that contributes mightily to the...

International Campers Attending Camps in the U.S. - What You Need to Know

Many camps in the United States welcome international campers into their program and value the important cultural exchange that happens when American children are given the opportunity to live side-...

National Parks Junior Ranger Program

Launched in 2010, children can become Let’s Move Outside Junior Rangers by participating in an outdoor activity that gets their hearts pumping and bodies moving. The ...