Showing: 41-48 of 48 results

Laws and Regulations Affecting Your Camp

Federal, State, County, Municipal Regulations and Taxes There are a number of regulations and taxes that apply to the camp industry. These will vary by state or local governmental bodies. It may...

A Family Conference

To be able to go to ACA's National Conference and feel so many people focused on the same goals that drive you, a group of people working toward a mission — it encourages so much growth. To be around...

Fostering Creativity at Camp and in Life

An Interview with Scott Barry Kaufman Scott Barry Kaufman, PhD, is scientific director of the Imagination Institute in the Positive Psychology Center at the University of...

Los niños y la naturaleza están hechos el uno para el otro

Ningún niño se queda dentro Cómo los campamentos enseñan a sus hijos a tener conciencia ecológica Los regalos naturales de los...

Los regalos naturales de los campamentos

Cuando estaba en la escuela secundaria, todos los veranos mi amigo Pete Sebring desaparecía durante unas semanas para ir a un campamento al oeste de Colorado Springs. A mí me disgustaba. Para mí,...

Ideas divertidas para ser más ecológicos

Los niños y la naturaleza   Anime a sus hijos a ser "detectives de la naturaleza" y ayúdeles a crear su propio equipo de investigación con lupa, papel y lapicero para que anoten las cosas...

Nature Loves Nurture

In the spring of 2002, Psychologist Wallace Dixon published the results of a survey of 1,500 randomly selected, doctoral-level members of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD). He had...

Children and Nature: How Camp Teaches Kids to Think Green!

After a long day of exercise and fun at camp, children’s eyes can be much bigger than their stomachs! Camps across the country are encouraging children to put on their plates only what they will eat...