Showing: 51-60 of 146 results

HIPAA Privacy Rule Compliance — What Does It Mean for Camps?

HIPAA Privacy Rule Compliance has been required since spring 2003. Are you aware of the implications for your camp? Many camp directors seem to confuse how HIPAA impacts them and the privacy and...

Concussions: What Camps Can Learn from the Zachery Lystedt Law

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), concussions are one of the most commonly reported injuries in children and adolescents who participate in sports and recreational...

Criminal Background Check Resources

The American Camp Association (ACA) is committed to the protection of children and youth. Because of societal events, significant news media regarding child abuse, and the expecta­tion by parents...

Online Resources for Social Networking Issues and Cyberbullying

ACA has resources to help you understand, prevent, and address problems with cyberbullying and social networking sites among your campers and staff. The resources include articles from experts like...

Contracting with User Groups/Rental Groups, Revisited

Be sure you understand your state's laws regarding contracts and liability.  Seek legal advice prior to developing your user group contract. Introduction Previously in CampLine,1,...

Preventing and Pre-Planning Response to Emergencies

Establish positive relationships with police or other law enforcement officials who provide service to the camp. Establish a system of monitoring camper behavior. Provide additional support when...

Resources for Camps on Preventing Violence

Web Resources American Academy of Pediatrics: American Psychological Association: National School...

A Summary of Consumer Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act

Below are excerpts of information contained in the form that must be provided to applicants on whose background the employer is checking. The full form is available from all credit and background...

Alert: Review Your Workplace Harassment Policies NOW!

The Equal Opportunity Commission has recently published an Enforcement Guidance Memorandum on the subject of vicarious employer liability for unlawful harassment by supervisors (meaning, when is the...

Sample Prohibition of Harassment Policy

Harassment Prohibited [Camp] is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment based on a person’s sex, race, age, color, creed, religion, disability,...