Showing: 41-50 of 50 results

The Impact of the Loss of Free, Undirected Play in Childhood (And What Camps Can Do About It)

As wonderful as the cherished traditions and programmatic aspects of a camp may be, what we teach campers may not be the most important part of their summer experience. The most crucial and...

A Field Guide to Preserving Childhood

It is commonly said that it takes an entire village to raise strong, healthy children. Yes, it takes a village of people to raise a child, but it also takes the village itself. A hundred years ago...

Role Model Relationships: Making healthy human connections

All parents have hopes and desires for their children. I'll bet high on your list of wishes is that your children grow up to be well-adjusted adults who have healthy, nurturing relationships of their...

When They Come Home

It is probably difficult to imagine, as you scan the "packing list," count socks, get the trunk out, and make sure your child's name is on everything they are taking, what your son or daughter might...

Children and Nature: How Camp Teaches Kids to Think Green!

After a long day of exercise and fun at camp, children’s eyes can be much bigger than their stomachs! Camps across the country are encouraging children to put on their plates only what they will eat...

Camps Speak an International Language

There’s a passionate debate going on — whether men and women should share child-rearing responsibilities — even if it means the father sometimes stays at home. Native American, Nigerian, Kyrgyz,...

How Much Wood Could a Woodchuck Chuck? And Would You Know How to Decipher the Tag on the Lumber?

A decade ago, the United States market voluntarily abandoned the long-standing wood preservative and treatment method where an arsenic and copper compound was forced into the fibers of the lumber....

What Did Winter Do to Your Camp Property?

The winter of 2018–2019 was one that many hope is not repeated soon! Winds, torrential rains, snow, and even drought were prevalent. As you prepare for the upcoming summer, it is important to pay as...

Going Green at Camp

What if every camp in America united behind a new model for sustainability to lead a national movement for pro-environmental change? “Going Green” is a vague and intimidating term. We all know we...

Videos: The Impact of Camp

Does summer camp really make a difference? We know camp changes lives but what impact does it have on the lives of former campers? The American Camp Association’s large-...