Showing: 31-36 of 36 results

It Was the Best Week Ever! The Value of One-Week and Short-Term Camp Sessions

Camp directors and parents alike will enjoy hearing children report about their week at summer overnight camp as the “best week ever!” And it just may be that some of the best evidence that describes...

Camp . . . MAGNIFIED! The Benefits of Specialty Camps

Specialty camps serve a specific population exclusively. That service can be with regard to need or desire. And while the educational camp programs at the US Space & Rocket Center — Space Camp...

Recruiting, Interviewing, and Hiring to Ensure the Best of the Best

Recruiting, interviewing, and hiring staff is the most important part of your job as a camp director. It is the single most time-consuming and, at times, tedious task you will undertake. However,...

Developing and Keeping Great Counselors

It takes a great staff to make a great camp. Jack Weiner once said: "With the right counselors, camp could be held in a parking lot." When one looks at all of the possible aspects of camp in which to...

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention: A Critical Role of Parents

Hypothesis: "The fight against child molesters begins by parents teaching their children." The Problem Sexual abuse of children and youth remains an insidious concern in American society....

Staff Retention, Recruiting, and Revving Up in the Off-Season

By this point in the year, you've processed your staff evaluations, and you've been thinking about those difficult decisions: "Should I hire her back?" or "This person just didn't cut it; is it time...