Showing: 41-45 of 45 results

How to Redefine Oral Care for Campers in Orthodontic Treatment While at Camp This Summer

It’s a fact that sometimes, braces or aligners just don’t feel good. Inflammation is an important part of the process of moving teeth. But sometimes, that inflammation aches, feels itchy, or...

GOES Health — Your Guide to Summer Training

Summer is just around the corner, which means it’s almost time for summer camp! Growing up, I spent my summers at a three-week sleepaway camp on the Oregon Coast. It was where I learned to love the...

Culture & Climate: The Collective Marks of Trauma on the Identity of Camp

When we consider the thresholds people cross, entering the space we call camp, do we trace the roots of trauma beyond a person and to a group of people? The term collective trauma exposes the...

The Value of Discomfort — Creating a Learning Environment for Camp Staff

“I don’t feel safe discussing this topic, and if a camper wanted to discuss it, I would just tell them that and redirect them to something else.” – Camp Staff 2023 I was leading an...

Step by Step: The Crucial Role of Walk-throughs in Camp Aquatic Safety

“Camp aquatic safety cannot solely be the responsibility of the lifeguards.” —Teresa Tucker, Consultant for The Redwoods Group  As leaders in your camp, your presence matters....