Showing: 21-30 of 66 results

Visitas al campamento - Cómo aprovechar una entrevista al máximo

Sin duda alguna, desde el momento en que usted reciba el folleto de un campamento, va a tener preguntas para hacerle al director. Con la primera llamada telefónica o con la primera carta usted va a...

Sitio de los abuelos

Perfil de los abuelos activos de hoy Los campamentos para abuelos y nietos que han surgido con gran éxito, se han ideado para satisfacer las necesidades del número creciente de personas activas de la...

Lo que necesitan saber los campistas internacionales que quieran asistir a un campamento en EE.UU.

Muchos campamentos en EE.UU. acogen a campistas internacionales en su programa y valoran el importante intercambio cultural que ocurre cuando a los niños estadounidenses se les da la oportunidad de...

A Conversation with Katie — How One Camper Handles Mental Illness

The thing about mental, emotional and social health (MESH) is that you never know when, and you never know how, it is going to affect you...

Making Sense of MESH: Partnerships with Parents

As we tackle mental, emotional, and social health (MESH) issues in our programs, we must use every tool possible to help the struggling person. ...

Why We Choose to Be ACA-accredited and What It Takes

The directors and staff of Geneva Glen Camp (Indian Hills, Colorado), have always approached the triennial ACA visit anticipating a very upbeat and affirming experience! Our...

Planning for Mental, Emotional, and Social Health (MESH) This Summer

The smiling faces and laughter heard across camps each summer result from days, weeks, and months of planning. We spend considerable time meticulously planning our themes, activities, equipment, food...

Why Every Camp Should Be Teaching and Practicing Meditation with Campers

The wonder of a child — it’s something we strive for in adulthood. Imagination, amazement, and the simple appreciation for life’s little treasures: the gold spray of sunlight through a window, or the...

How to Get Kids to Calm Down

Working closely and networking with other camp professionals is one of the best tools for growing our own camp programs. I am fortunate to have a dear friend, Audrey Monke, who is the owner/director...

Mental, Emotional, and Social Health Situations at Camp

Linda Ebner Erceg, RN, MS, PHN, shares some mental, emotional, and social health (MESH) situations that may occur at camp and how to respond appropriately.