Showing: 21-24 of 24 results

What's the Impact of Gender-Inclusive Cabins on Campers' Friendships?

That question was one that I and my collaborator Leila Bighash sought to help answer in our...

What You Don’t Know Can’t Help You: The Value of Asking Your Staff

Staff feedback is vital to running a successful summer camp. Your staff are the only ones with the answers to these questions, so if you want to know the answers . . . ask them.

2023 2SLGBTQIA+ Inclusive Practices at Camp Survey

Content note: Statistics on suicide attempts among LGBTQ youth When people worry about what might happen, the fears we carry can get in the way of us doing really good...

Lighting Up the Night Sky at Camps: Auroras

Did you see the Northern lights at your camp this spring?