Showing: 1-10 of 22 results

Risk and Crisis Management Planning: A Workbook for Organization and Program Administrators (Third Edition)

Risk and Crisis Management Planning is a tool to help administrators create a plan that will fit the circumstances of managing their organizations and the sites and programs they...

Marketing FUNdamentals: 101 No-Cost* Ways to Promote Recreation, Parks, and Play (*or practically free)

Marketing FUNdamentals: 101 No-Cost* Ways to Promote Recreation, Parks, and Play (*or practically free) offers the common sense, insight, and customer perspective that every park and...

Becoming a Camp Leader: Making the Transition from Counselor to Camp Leader

Becoming a Camp Leader is full of thought provoking tips and advice for those making the transition from a camp counselor to a program director and beyond. This book also acts as a...

Leadership Development: By the Experts

Features sixteen articles about leadership development issues that have been carefully selected from past editions of Camping Magazine. Articles cover recruitment and retention, employee involvement...

101 Games and Activities to Strengthen Families

101 Games and Activities to Strengthen Families provides a treasure trove of easy-to-follow activities that are fun, yet carefully designed to bring out the best in all kinds of...

101 FAQs About Families: A Camp Professional's Guide to Happy Campers and Satisfied Families

101 FAQs About Families is full of thoughtful strategies and advice for how camp professionals can work constructively with their campers' families. This book contains helpful tips and...

The Nature Specialist: A Complete Guide to Programs and Activities

The Nature Specialist is a comprehensive, fully explained program of nature activities, developed by the author through long experience as a teacher and camp naturalist. An Activities...

Nature-Oriented Activities: A Leader's Guide (4th Edition)

Hundreds of hands-on activities promote ecological conservation, stewardship, and respect without sounding like lengthy lectures. Educators will be well equipped to instill environmental...

101 Marketing Essentials Every Camp Needs to Know

Jodi Rudick  Offers 101 essential and easy-to-understand ideas that will help camps of all types gain extensive marketing insight and confidence. Highlights no- and low-cost methods that can...

101 Strategic Tips for Changing the Camp Culture

Andrea Nash-Boynton The tips in this book will help ease transitions, assess when problems can and are occurring related to buy-in and transition, understand human resistance to change, and...