Showing: 11-20 of 37 results

A Camp for Every Child - Girls Only, Boys Only, or Co-ed?

Now may be the opportunity to explore this choice with your camper. Single-Sex Camp Means Breaking gender stereotypes — girls interact with women in positions of authority and boys interact...

A Camp for Every Child — Short or Long Session?

How long do you want your child to remain at camp? Short Sessions (One-Three Weeks) Means First-time or younger campers have a chance to learn new skills Bonds develop with other campers...

A Camp for Every Child - Near or Far?

Where do you want your child to go to camp? Locally or far away? While each camp experience has something to offer your child, this is an opportunity to assess what you value for your camper. Near...

Un campamento para cada niño — Le viene a la medida

¿Cerca o lejos? ¿Adónde quiere que su hijo vaya al campamento? ¿Cerca o lejos? Aunque cada campamento tiene algo que ofrecerle a su hijo, ésta es una oportunidad para estimar qué es lo más...

El momento preciso - Cómo saber si su hijo está listo para mandarlo al campamento

El momento preciso — Cómo saber si su hijo está listo para mandarlo al campamento Responder a las siguientes preguntas le va a ayudar a saber si su hijo está listo para el campamento. ¿...

How to Choose a Camp: Safety Tips

Accreditation ACA Accreditation assures parents that the camp has had a regular, independent safety audit that goes beyond regulations in most states. Accreditation is different than...

Exhibitor FAQ

When can I set up my booth? The exhibitor set up is on Wednesday, Feb. 19, from 8 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. No one will be allowed to set up any earlier, with no exceptions. ...

2025 Exhibitor Schedule Snapshot

The conference schedule has been designed to "showcase" exhibits!  Wednesday, February 19, 2025 7:00 a.m.-  4:00 p.m.  — ...

Videos for Summer Camp Parents

Thinking about sending your child to summer camp? Watch these videos on the benefits of a camp experience and the impact it has on the lives of former campers.    ...

News & Resources for Campers & Families

Research shows that camp experiences often increase a child’s confidence, self-esteem, social skills, independence, leadership qualities, adventurousness, and positive connections to nature. Combined...