Showing: 31-40 of 41 results

American Taxpayer Relief Act - Impact on Camps

When the American Taxpayer Relief Act (ATRA) was signed into law by...

Internal Revenue Service

Transportation - Issues and Laws for Camps

Transportation Resources Vehicle Log...

U.S. Department of Agriculture - Summer Food Service Program

Public Lands Use - Resources for Camps

Use of public lands and waters is essential for many camp programs.  It is estimated that at least 9 percent of all camps use public lands and waters for at least a portion of their...

Camp Employment Taxation - 2012

Employers in the United States, including camps, are required to pay Social Security, Medicare, and state and federal unemployment and income taxes on most employees. How these taxes are calculated...

The Dollar$ and Cents of Operating a Camp

Most camp professionals love to talk about the impact of the camp experience on the lives of their participants. Sometimes, these professionals wrestle with the business side of camp, especially in...

Fresh Tips for Running a Better Summer Camp Business: A Look at Operations

In the 2009 November/December issue of Camping Magazine, we discussed sales and marketing tips to help run a better camp business. But, like any well-run business, camps need to be concerned...

Fresh Tips for Running a Better Summer Camp Business — Sales and Marketing

Like it or not, every summer camp — for-profit or nonprofit — is a business. A camp that does not respect and abide the most fundamental of business commandments, that the monies coming into the camp...

What Directors Want to Know about 2012 Summer Enrollment

“The camp is in a turnaround . . . climbing back after multiyear decline.” — Respondent, Fall 2012 Enrollment Survey The Spring 2012 Enrollment Sneak Peek seemed to indicate a good summer ahead...