Showing: 11-14 of 14 results

Why Day Camp Matters

When looking for summer activities for their children, parents today are faced with an incredible wealth of options. Many of these options describe themselves as “camp”: sports camps, arts camps,...

It Was the Best Week Ever! The Value of One-Week and Short-Term Camp Sessions

Camp directors and parents alike will enjoy hearing children report about their week at summer overnight camp as the “best week ever!” And it just may be that some of the best evidence that describes...

Camp . . . MAGNIFIED! The Benefits of Specialty Camps

Specialty camps serve a specific population exclusively. That service can be with regard to need or desire. And while the educational camp programs at the US Space & Rocket Center — Space Camp...

Bullying Prevention - Camps Take a Stand

Bullying prevention is one of five hot topics on the minds of camp staff. To help address this issue,the American Camp Association, in collaboration with Dr. Joel Haber, is pleased to...