Showing: 31-40 of 185 results

Research: Fun, Safety, Camaraderie, and Outdoor Adventure at the Hero’s Journey Program

Hero's Journey is a free-of-charge, wilderness-based summer camp program for youth living with serious illness. As a developmentally appropriate and challenging extension of the traditional camp...

ADA Title III: What Does It Mean for Camp Programs?

A teen who is hearing impaired and her parents e-mail an application, seeking admission into a summer adventure camp. There are only a few weeks before the application deadline. The camp director has...

Privacy and Health Information: New Regs — Who "Needs to Know" at Camp?

Many of us remember the staff meeting before campers arrive when information, including information about health history, is shared. The scope of that sharing has been the subject of growing...

Transgender Staff and Anti-Discrimination

The subject of transgender staff at camps is one that is getting a lot of play lately. For those camps that have not yet dealt with a current staff member transitioning or a new...

The Big Eight . . . and Other Culinary Menaces to Camper Society

“The gluten-free cinnamon rolls are amazing!” Those emphatic words are emblazoned in my brain, stamped into my memory. As tears began to well in her eyes, Annalise, one of our counselors, looked...

Moving from Mainstreaming to Outsourcing: What Everyone Can Learn from Working with Different Needs

I run two different camps for kids with different needs, including a resident camp for kids with autism. A concerned parent called to talk about how she wanted her son to be “mainstreamed” in the...

How Can Camps Support Transgender Youth?

Inclusive summer camp experiences can make a positive impact on transgender children.

Kids with Diabetes in the Non-Diabetes Camp Setting

I'll never forget walking into the infirmary for my week as a camp nurse and hearing one of the outgoing nurses say, "I got the kid with diabetes again. Don't worry, you don't have one this week." In...

Camp Includes Me: Inclusion, Fusion, and Cross-Cultural Agility

Color television was invented in the early 1950s, and in the mid-tolate 1960s, my family didn't have one yet. My parents had seven children and were committed to putting us all through private...

The Americans with Disabilities Act Revisited

I. Introduction  On the 25th Anniversary of the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA or the Act), we have been asked to refresh our latest article for The CampLine on...