Welcoming International Counselors Could Boost Campership in Marginalized and Immigrant CommunitiesWhen I attend ACA conferences (which I do as a US Department of State Designated J-1 Sponsor for the Summer Camp Counselor Exchange Visitor Program), I make a point to attend sessions that include...
Understanding Cultural Differences: Tips for Working with International Staff and CampersAs the United States population becomes more diverse and camps employ more international staff, the issue of communicating and interacting effectively with people from other cultures becomes more...
2024–2027 Leadership Pathways ProjectThis three-year grant program is designed to foster evidence-informed planning, testing, and improving initiatives to increase access to and engagement in counselor-in-training (CIT) programs and...
The Power of Engaging Diversity by Hiring International Exchange VisitorsThe world has 206 sovereign states — are you maximizing the opportunities for diversity at your camp?
International Staff - Best Practices for J-1 ParticipantsGet information about BridgeUSA J-1 Visa Camp Counselor and Summer Work Travel Programs, as well best practices and resources for international camp staff and camp cultural exchange.
#CAMPCULTURALEXCHANGEIt's ironic that I've spent this fall encouraging Americans to advocate for the White House not to drastically reduce or eliminate J-1 visas for camp cultural exchange programs while also keynoting...