Showing: 21-30 of 65 results

Camp . . . MAGNIFIED! The Benefits of Specialty Camps

Specialty camps serve a specific population exclusively. That service can be with regard to need or desire. And while the educational camp programs at the US Space & Rocket Center — Space Camp...

The Dollar$ and Cents of Operating a Camp

Most camp professionals love to talk about the impact of the camp experience on the lives of their participants. Sometimes, these professionals wrestle with the business side of camp, especially in...

On Board with Camp

Camp boards — what should they do? How do we train members of a camp board? And how do we recruit good board members? To find the answers, we must first start with governance. Many camps have some...

A Place to Share: Your Label to Embrace: Giver

In life we are accustomed to being categorized by type. Some categories are obvious: men and women, children and adults. Other categories are not as obvious but just as defining: Republicans and...

Risk Management: Camp Management Liability — Evolving Risk

Our uncertain economic times serve as a reminder that the business of camp is full of change. When society, environments, and circumstances change, camp directors and owners are challenged to...

Maintaining Perspective — Is There Still a Place for Camper Accident and Sickness Insurance in Your Camp Risk Management Plan?

Healthcare costs are out of control in our society, driven largely by Americans' lifestyles, attitudes regarding exercise, and unhealthy eating habits. These costs are exacerbated by our litigation-...

General Guidelines for Social Security Numbers and Tax Withholding for International Employees with J-1 Visas

We have received numerous questions regarding social security numbers and the need for tax withholdings on international staff. While some questions on this topic can be answered clearly, others are...

Fresh Tips for Running a Better Summer Camp Business — Sales and Marketing

Like it or not, every summer camp — for-profit or nonprofit — is a business. A camp that does not respect and abide the most fundamental of business commandments, that the monies coming into the camp...

Risk Management: Privacy and Security Risks

The right to privacy is well established in the legal system of the United States. As citizens of the United States, we expect that our right to privacy will be respected. Virtually all businesses...

20/20 Toolbox: Scholarship, Fundraising, and Outreach Strategies for All Camps

As camp operators, we are keenly aware that when kids go to camp, they make positive gains in self-reliance, independence, communication, and self-esteem. Unplugged from the constant electronic buzz...