Showing: 31-40 of 406 results

2023 2SLGBTQIA+ Inclusive Practices at Camp Survey

Content note: Statistics on suicide attempts among LGBTQ youth When people worry about what might happen, the fears we carry can get in the way of us doing really good...

Program Quality and Continuous Improvement at Tims Camps

Program quality (PQ) is essential to youth programs, and research shows that high-quality programs are directly linked to more positive outcomes for youth. PQ refers to the environment that is...

Volunteer for the ACA Camps on Campus Preconference Planning Committee

We are looking for volunteers to serve on the Camps on Campus Preconference Planning Committee in preparation for the 2024 American Camps Association (ACA) Conference February 6-9, 2024 in New...

Livin’ On a Prayer: The Celebration of Difference in Camp

We’ve made some amazing progress with regard to diversity in our camp populations — race, socioeconomic status, gender identity, nationality, physical ability, mental ability, and more. And while...

The Courage to Create Access: Moving beyond Conversation and into Action

Sustained engagement along the journey to making camp accessible for all will take courage.

Confronting Barriers to Belonging at Camp

Providing access to camp is only the start. An important part of an inclusive camp experience is creating a sense of belonging.

Cultural Bias in Risk Management

When bias is discussed in wilderness risk management, it is often explored from the perspective of decision-making. Heuristics are the processes by which we make decisions using mental shortcuts that...

Let’s Play Nicely: Eight Tips for Creating Safe Spaces at Camp

For generations, a camp director’s focus on safety meant protecting campers from physical harm. In today’s reality that is still a necessity though insufficient. Safe space at camp has now evolved...

Foster a Feeling to Cross the Generational Divide

As leaders interacting with the next generation we have a choice. We can spin our wheels trying to understand why they aren’t where we are, where we believe they “should be,” or we can consider the...

Continuous Improvement and Program Quality: Lessons Learned

Program quality (PQ) is essential to youth programs, and research shows that high-quality programs are directly linked to more positive outcomes. PQ refers to the environment that is created at...