Showing: 1-10 of 50 results

Horseback Riding Program Resources/Instructor Certifications

The following organizations provide training and certification for horseback riding programs. Contact information and course titles are provided for your convenience. If you have a question about an...

Adventure/Challenge Program Resources

The following organizations provide training and certification for challenge/adventure course supervisors and staff.

Resources by Sections of the Standards

ACA is committed to providing resources to assist in your accreditation visit planning and preparation. These resources include tip sheets, charts, standards-at-a-glance, links to relevant ACA...

Accreditation Learning & Resources

Earning and maintaining ACA accreditation takes time and commitment.  ACA has many resources available to help you through this process including the web-based tool, the Accreditation Portal,...

Become an Accreditation Volunteer

Accreditation Volunteers are the heart and soul of the ACA accreditation program! Without them, we would be unable to implement the accreditation program. Please review the qualifications and...

Criminal Background Checks Background Information and Guidance for Camps

Important Information Regarding Revisions to the ACA Standards

A key role of the American Camp Association's National Standards Commission (NSC) is to regularly review and update (as needed) the ACA standards. Standards Revisions After an 18-month process...

Instructor Update Course

This course serves as a review of standards revisions and changes for currently certified instructors and associate instructors. Curriculum links contains the notes view of the PowerPoint slide deck...

Year-Round Education of Children and Youth

American Camp Association Position and Resources Understand the importance of the connection with nature Children and Nature Create positive relationships...

Accreditation Process Workshop at the 2022 ACA National Conference

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED! Note: Registration for the Accreditation Process Workshop must be completed separately from the conference.  Space is limited and will be filled on a first-come...