Showing: 1-10 of 130 results

Critical Things Staff Need to Know about Bullying Prevention

Bullying is here to stay in summer camp and this course is designed to help you be prepared and ready to act this summer as well as between the seasons. Bullying can happen in 4 ways: physical,...

Camp Is for the Camper

ACA's #1 Best Selling Course and Book! It is imperative that counselors see themselves as role models for campers and act accordingly. Parents place a great deal of trust in camps...

Directions: Youth Development Outcomes of the Camp Experience

Research done to determine the outcomes of the camp experience as expressed by parents and children.

Briefing Paper - Adjustment to Separation and Camp

Defining Bullying - National Bullying Awareness Month

While October is National Bullying Awareness Month, what can we do as a camp community to bring awareness year round?

Martin and His Friends: Counseling Skills that Effect Change at Camp

Martin was sitting in the office of the boys' head counselor again. He'd been playing "Ga Ga" when another camper got him out. In what had quickly become an all-too-typical response for nine-year-old...

Camps and Operation Purple for Military Families

As funding has been cut to support the children of military families, the opportunities for your camp to support those children through the ...

National Military Family Association - Operation Purple Camps

Electronic Medical Records in the Camp Setting: HIPAA Considerations

One of the pervasive considerations with electronic medical records (EMR) is protecting the privacy of the individual. People seem to get very nervous about security issues with electronic records,...

Understanding Bullying Within The Camp Setting - Tips for Parents

What is Bullying? Bullying is aggressive behavior by a child or a group of children who take advantage of the power they have to hurt or intimidate others. Bullying can take many forms:...