Building Successful Camp-School PartnershipsA multi-part study on camp-school partnerships that explores their impact and outlines recommendations for successful collaborations nationwide.
Directions: Youth Development Outcomes of the Camp ExperienceResearch done to determine the outcomes of the camp experience as expressed by parents and children.
Camp Program QualityProgram quality refers to the ways camp staff practices, activities, and program climate foster youth development consistently over time.
National Economic Impact Study of the Camp IndustryThis groundbreaking report includes economic impact analyses for the United States and each of the fifty states.
ACA Awarded $2.25 Million to Create, Improve, and Expand Leadership Pathways at Camp for Young People of Diverse Backgrounds Across the USOver 20 camps across the United States will join Phase 2 of the Leadership Pathways Project.
2024–2027 Leadership Pathways ProjectThis three-year grant program is designed to foster evidence-informed planning, testing, and improving initiatives to increase access to and engagement in counselor-in-training (CIT) programs and...
Research and Evaluation Advisory CommitteeThe Research and Evaluation Advisory Committee (REAC) has the charge to "advise and support the research and evaluation functions of the Association as it serves to develop and enhance knowledge...
2022–2024 Camp-School Partnership Demonstration ProjectThe Camp-School Partnership Demonstration Project is a collaboration between the National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) and the American Camp Association (ACA), which are 501(c)(3) national...
2025 ACA Research ForumThe 2025 Camp Research Forum will be held in conjunction with the American Camp Association National Conference, February 18-21, in Dallas, TX.
Wildfires and Smoke Impacting CampsThe American Camp Association provides resources for developing wildfire preparation, response and recovery plans.