Showing: 1-10 of 122 results

Where Can We Find the Money?

I really want a new (insert here: archery range, campership fund, pirate ship for the waterfront). My (insert here: camper fees, organization's budget, personal bank account) does not support this....

A Place to Share: Your Label to Embrace: Giver

In life we are accustomed to being categorized by type. Some categories are obvious: men and women, children and adults. Other categories are not as obvious but just as defining: Republicans and...

20/20 Toolbox: Scholarship, Fundraising, and Outreach Strategies for All Camps

As camp operators, we are keenly aware that when kids go to camp, they make positive gains in self-reliance, independence, communication, and self-esteem. Unplugged from the constant electronic buzz...

20/20 Toolbox: The American Camp Association as Your Camp’s Nonprofit Partner

For many camps, the benefits of partnering with an existing nonprofit for the purpose of scholarship fundraising far outweigh the extensive challenges of starting their own nonprofit. If your camp is...

20/20 Toolbox: Mixing the Nonprofit with the For Profit

Soon after we assumed the ownership of Camp Mont Shenandoah in 1996, my husband, Jay, and I were interested in establishing a scholarship program for our campers. We were clueless, however, as to how...

Thank You for Helping to Change Children's Lives

As the holiday season approaches, we at the American Camp Association (ACA) realize we have many reasons to be grateful. In the camp world, there are so many people who make an impact, and we are...

Courage, Not Comfort! Diving in to Camp Fund-Raising

This article is the first in a two-part series on fund-raising, and to learn even more about this subject, be sure to attend Ann Sheets and Posie Taylor’s session, The Development Doctors Are In...

Make Copies or Make a Difference? Camp Is a Real Job

There has never been a better time to work at camp!

Expect More from Your Leadership Team (and Encourage Them to Expect More from You)

This blog post in support of Project Real Job discusses why you should expect more from your summer camp leadership team and how to encourage them to expect more from you.

Three Different Roads That Led to Working at Camp

Working at summer camp helps young adults learn skills that will be valuable in their future careers, including leadership, communication, and more.