Showing: 11-20 of 112 results

Radon Contamination - Regulations Applicable to Camps

Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers and an important national public health issue.  If your camp has buildings, you should be familiar with the issues related to radon...

The Big Eight . . . and Other Culinary Menaces to Camper Society

“The gluten-free cinnamon rolls are amazing!” Those emphatic words are emblazoned in my brain, stamped into my memory. As tears began to well in her eyes, Annalise, one of our counselors, looked...

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Improving Quality of Life for Campers With Severe Food Allergy

When was the last time you gave a second thought to going out to dinner? Attending a gathering of friends? Sending your children to school? Participating in a leisure activity? These are daily events...

Putting Sustainability into Practice: Simple Strategies to Implement at Camp

Next to national, state, and municipal parks, camps manage some of our most important natural resources. Camp settings not only introduce children to natural resources, build their skills to recreate...

Epinephrine Auto-Injectors Accessibility Laws and Camps

Updated August 2018 Childhood allergies are on the rise.  According to research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, twenty-five percent of children have...

Allergies Galore! Managing Allergies Is More Than a Call to 911

In the summer of 2001, Congressional Camp found itself hip deep in allergies. Of the 490 campers on our campus, 222 had identified allergies. This fact left us limp and sweaty with concern . . . and...

Campers with Food Allergies

Summer camp is a time for children to have nonstop fun indulging in their favorite activities. For children with food allergies, going away to camp is not a simple decision, yet many parents have...

It Can Happen to You: 10 Things You Can Do to Tighten Security at Your Camp

With 3 sites, 14 individual day camps, 500+ acres and more than 5000 campers and staff on our grounds each day, the Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds has spent the last 5 years focusing on its unique...

Kids and Healthy Lifestyles: How Camps Can Help

Child Obesity: A National Public Health Problem As the child obesity epidemic rears its overweight head across the nation, affecting one in five children, camps can play a vital role in the rescue...