The Mental Martial Art of ReadinessYou could be working an hourly job at some retail store or restaurant or engaging in free labor in an office internship. But let’s face it, most likely no one will remember the person who sold...
The WarWe called the summer of 2022 “The War” at Camp Footprint. It was rough from start to finish. The check-in process that usually lasted about two hours took eight. The Covid testing and the parent...
Do You Know Your Skill Level?Congratulations! You are working at camp! Huzzah! Working at camp is a truly unique experience that brings together a variety of skills, life lessons, and resume-building opportunities. Don’t know...
Being Your Authentic SelfBeing authentic means being true to your core beliefs.
Holding Space for the Splash Zone: Dealing with Cultural TraumaI will never forget the first time I stepped through the turnstiles and into an amusement park. It wasn’t Six Flags or Universal Studios. It wasn’t Disneyland, Disney World, or some other Magic...
Having a Hard Day? Take a Mini Break!Humor me for a moment and do the following: Take a deep breath while counting to four. Imagine crisp, clean air and positive feelings spreading through your body. Hold your breath while...
2024 May/June Camping MagazineStaff training issue.
Bullying: What It Is, What It Isn’t, What To Do, and What Not ToQuestion: What are the chances that a bully will be among the group of campers you are responsible for this summer? Answer: Zero. Sorry, this is a trick question. Bullying is a behavior, not an...
Seven Keys to Making Magic at Camp This SummerAs a camp counselor, you have the amazing opportunity to create life-changing moments for kids this summer. But with long hours, high energy, and constantly shifting dynamics, it can be tough to...
On Bodies, Beliefs, and Bias: Why Respect for Human Rights Is UnnaturalMy mother crochets. Over tea in restaurants. In line at the airport. At the movies. If you can breathe there, my mom can crochet there. She crochets for friends, family, and perfect strangers....