Showing: 11-20 of 337 results

Bully Proof Your Camp - Gan Israel

So many incidences of mean behavior, (and sometimes even bullying) occur at camp. Time is less structured than at school and counselors are young and don't necessarily have the tools to notice or...

What to Know about Demographic Evaluation Questions and How to Make Them Count, Part 1

Wheewww! Summer is about over, if not over for most camps, which means that it's time to reflect on another eventful and exciting season. Along with a bit of a breather, this time of year brings lots...

What's the Impact of Gender-Inclusive Cabins on Campers' Friendships?

That question was one that I and my collaborator Leila Bighash sought to help answer in our...

Evaluating Bereavement Camps

Spending time in nature is often therapeutic and provides many benefits, such as improving cognitive functioning (Berman, Jonides, & Kaplan, 2008) and improving memory (Berto, 2005). Spending...

Camp Industry Research Series, Part 1: Promoting Diversity & Inclusion at Camp

Each year, the American Camp Association conducts rigorous industry research to help better understand the camp industry and to support camps in their work. The Site, Facilities, and Programs...

There's a Camp for That!

Imagine a world where everyone knows about the value of the camp experience. Where camp is universally considered an essential part of human development. Where every parent, grandparent, and guardian...

There Is a Reason! Understanding Challenging Behavior

I once worked with cat. Not a “meow” cat, although that’s how she identified herself to me. She was a thirteen-year-old girl who insisted she was a cat. You can imagine how hard it was for her at...

Nurturing Campers’ Psychological Needs

Highly regarded child, adolescent and family therapist, and regular contributor to Camping Magazine since 1987, Bob Ditter will be speaking at the 2015 ACA National Conference. In an...

Summer Residential Camps: Promoting Social Interaction and Self-Efficacy Among Young Adults With Special Needs

Social skills and self-efficacy are fundamental processes and necessary for individuals in everyday life. Seeking employment, living independently, making friends, and trying new activities all...

Ways to Promote Youth Development in Camp

Youth development is a complicated process, and the support of it in diverse populations is even trickier. There is no "magic bullet" to solve the dilemma of how best to support youth as they mature...