Showing: 1-10 of 36 results

Year-Round Education of Children and Youth

American Camp Association Position and Resources Understand the importance of the connection with nature Children and Nature Create positive relationships...

Designing Your Programs to Best Enhance the Camp Experience

Top Tips for Camps Intentionally select program activities that provide one or more of the youth-development supports (supportive relationships, safety, youth involvement, skill building)....

Research 360: The Quality vs. Outcomes Smackdown

If you've been following this blog you know that the Research 360 goal is to build camp evaluation capacity. Thus far I've described what...

The Role of Skill Building

Building Camps That Care About Kids — Third in a Series of Four Articles Maybe Walt Whitman was on to something. When we think of the very best ways to help young people grow into...

The Future of Camp Research

In this blog, Jessie Dickerson describes how camp researchers and camp professionals came together at the 2019 ACA National Conference to envision a future for camp research.

Summer Camp: A Unique Environment for Social and Emotional Learning

As an education research organization affiliated with the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University, we thought it was an exciting opportunity to investigate camp as a unique learning...

Happy Campers: How Camp Relationships Promote Social and Emotional Learning

Young people are diverse and dynamic, and they have myriad pathways to success. Unfortunately, youth development research often highlights watered-down averages of sample sets that offer limited...

Fully Connected: How a Radical Cell Phone Policy Can Improve Your Camp Culture and Cure FOMO

"Because of Camp... I have a better relationship with my phone." Said no one ever. We love camp because of the relationships we build there. So, what would camp look like if the staff committed to...

Introducing a New (and Free!) Friend: The Camp Program Quality Staff Checklist

Before I get started, I have a confession: I lied. I said in the title that in this post I was going to introduce you to a new friend, but that’s not entirely true. The Camp Program Quality Staff...

Three Lessons Learned from Year 2 of ACA's Impact Study

In the latest Research 360 blog, Laurie Browne, PhD, shares some things we’ve learned this year from the Impact Study, starting with a throwback to what we said we were learning in Year 1....