Showing: 1-10 of 196 results

Job Description Samples

ACA job sample job descriptions are here to make your work easier.

Entry-Level Program Staff Certificate

Want to work with young people in a camp, afterschool, summer enrichment programs, or other community-based youth settings but lack experience?

2024 Staff Training Issue of Camping Magazine

Each year, the May/June issue of Camping Magazine is devoted to staff training — perfect for Staff Orientation!

Camp Is for the Camper

ACA's #1 Best Selling Course and Book! It is imperative that counselors see themselves as role models for campers and act accordingly. Parents place a great deal of trust in camps...

Find Camp Staff

Use ACA's two services, Year-round Jobs @ Camp and Summer Jobs at Camp, to help you fill your open positions at camp.

Find Summer and Seasonal Camp Staff

Find summer camp staff! Take advantage of the increased exposure from Google for Jobs. Advertise all your camp’s open positions with an unlimited subscription!

Staffing, Compensation, and Benefits Report

Each year, the American Camp Association (ACA) surveys its members about specific areas of their camp operations and makes the results available so camps can benchmark their business practices.

Essential Staff Training Activities

You expect your staff to think on their feet — so why not train them on their feet? For more than three decades, I've been assisting camps, outdoor education centers, youth development agencies,...

Camp Staff

No other job can as easily combine the satisfactions of working with people in an outdoor setting as the camp staff person. The impact of working as a member of a summer camp staff is seldom...

No Reservations Needed! Please Be Seated for a Five-Course, Staff-Training Smorgasbord

During the spring of each year, many camp directors are faced with what can seem to be an overwhelming task of planning for staff training. While it is tempting to use the same "recipes" from...