Showing: 21-30 of 108 results

Marketing the Value of the Camp Experience

Camp directors and camp staff know intuitively what camp provides for youth. We have sought for words and the solid research to back up what we know in our hearts happens in the magic of the...

ACA Accreditation: Key Messages for the Media

Incorporate these messages everywhere you can – on the phone, in camp tours, camp fairs, in all print literature, videos, website – everywhere! The Value of ACA Accreditation ACA...

ACA Accreditation: Key Messages for Parents

Special Note: When referring to your ACA-Accredited® camp status in brochures, letters and video tapes, please use the following copy to describe accreditation: Fun And Safety — ACA...

Accreditation Announcement Letter

As a benefit to members, ACA provides sample letters and news releases.

Your Accreditation Status - Fun and Safety

ACA Camps Set the Standards Prestige Parents nationwide recognize the importance of ACA accreditation when choosing a camp for their child, and they expect you to reach far...

Medical Marijuana: Current Issues for Camps

Introduction A call recently came into the American Camp Association (ACA) Crisis Hotline from a member camp: Three adults attended a family camp and brought medical marijuana with them. Upon...

Practical Leadership: What We Can Learn from Simon Says, Show and Tell, and Sharks

There is so much good information about leadership. There are books about leadership with themes ranging from the military to Mickey Mouse; there are seminars, workshops, retreats, and entire...

Implementing Change: Practical Tips for the Early Camp Director

When I was seventeen, I was hired for the second summer at my beloved home camp by the veteran camp director. She had become my mentor and friend through all my years as a camper, teen leader, and...

Nobody Ever Tells Me Anything: Communication at Camp

Growing up, my sister’s catch phrase could have been, “Nobody ever tells me anything!” because she said it so often. More and more, this sentiment is being shared at summer camp, too. Our camp staff...

Revolutionary Leadership

When a new acquaintance asks, "What do you do for a living?" and I answer that I'm a camp director and shape lives in positive ways through summer camp, I often get a quizzical response. "Is that a...