Showing: 1-10 of 219 results

Articles Available for Press Reprint

Reprint permission for any of these articles can be obtained by contacting Kaley Amonett, ACA's Editorial Communications Manager. Please...

Child Abuse Prevention Resources

Top Tips for Camps

Critical Things Staff Need to Know about Bullying Prevention

Bullying is here to stay in summer camp and this course is designed to help you be prepared and ready to act this summer as well as between the seasons. Bullying can happen in 4 ways: physical,...


Every year, the American Camp Association Camp Crisis Hotline receives calls from camps that have questions about scabies. Either they have detected scabies on a camper or staffer, or they are...

Ticks - What All Camps Need to Know

Ticks are small spiderlike arachnids that bite to fasten themselves onto the skin and feed on blood. Ticks live in the fur and feathers of many birds and animals. Tick bites occur most often during...

Legionnaires' Disease and Pontiac Fever

Legionnaires' disease is a serious, sometimes fatal form of pneumonia. Pontiac Fever is a less serious influenza-like infection. Together they are the two most common forms of legionellosis...

Bed Bugs - What Every Camp Needs to Know

Every year, the American Camp Association Camp Crisis Hotline receives calls from camps that have questions about bed bugs.

Measles - Information for Camps

Measles is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus. Here some top tips for camps.

Press: Camp Trends

Trends in camp are responding to the world's realities. Camps have developed fluid structures that are nimble and that can respond to emerging issues. They provide an image of shared values and...

Camp Trends: Specialty Camps

Camps are designed in a variety of styles and formats and provide activities that vary to meet many interests. Most camps offer a general program of outdoor activities of hiking, swimming, sports and...