Showing: 11-20 of 482 results

Creating a Camp Culture that Includes Safety with Seasonal Staff

These are 10 tips to help you enhance the safety mindset and boost your camp culture at the same time.

BIPOC Affinity Group

The BIPOC Affinity Group is a safe and inclusive space dedicated to fostering community and centering BIPOC camp professionals. This virtual space is designed for those who identify as Black,...

Spanish-Speaking Camp Professionals

The purpose of the Spanish-speaking Camp Professionals Kindred is to inspire, equip, and support Spanish-speaking camp professionals.

Do You Know Your Skill Level?

Congratulations! You are working at camp! Huzzah! Working at camp is a truly unique experience that brings together a variety of skills, life lessons, and resume-building opportunities. Don’t know...

The War

We called the summer of 2022 “The War” at Camp Footprint. It was rough from start to finish. The check-in process that usually lasted about two hours took eight. The Covid testing and the parent...

Seven Keys to Making Magic at Camp This Summer

As a camp counselor, you have the amazing opportunity to create life-changing moments for kids this summer. But with long hours, high energy, and constantly shifting dynamics, it can be tough to...

The Mental Martial Art of Readiness

You could be working an hourly job at some retail store or restaurant or engaging in free labor in an office internship. But let’s face it, most likely no one will remember the person who sold...

Maximizing the Personal and Professional Value of Working at Camp This Summer

You’ve made an amazing choice to work at camp. You already know many of the reasons why your choice is amazing: the friends, the fun, the difference you’ll make in the lives of your campers. And I...

Bullying: What It Is, What It Isn’t, What To Do, and What Not To

Question: What are the chances that a bully will be among the group of campers you are responsible for this summer? Answer: Zero. Sorry, this is a trick question. Bullying is a behavior, not an...

Decoding Camper Behavior

Many years ago, before social media, electric cars, and the smartphone, a little boy went to camp. He had overcome tremendous hurdles before ever stepping foot on a campground. In fact, at the...