Showing: 1-10 of 61 results

Coping with Homesickness at Camp

The prescription for homesickness at summer camp is a simple solution of preparation and patience.

New Thinking Needed on Helping Kids Avoid or Cope with Homesickness

ANN ARBOR, MI 2010 — A new report urges parents and children's doctors to change their thinking about homesickness among children, to see it as a nearly universal but highly preventable and treatable...

What Camp Staff Can Do to Help Children: An Excerpt from Homesick and Happy

Dear Colleagues, When I sat down to write my new book, Homesick and Happy: How Time Away from Parents Can Help a Child Grow, I wanted to answer three questions: 1) Why is it...

Homesickness Dos and Don’ts for Parents Preparing for Camp

Homesickness is a fact of life.  It is human nature to pine for what is known and comfortable.  And a stay at summer camp — even for a seasoned camper — can generate pangs of longing for...

Camp Preparedness 2021: Discussing the Essentials for Covid19, Response Operations, and Emergency Planning for this Summer

Last year was a rough one. Things have improved but we still need to be ready for the curveballs this summer might throw at us. This session will answer your questions about how to prepare for and...

Updated Financial Relief for Camps

September 8, 2021 Since the ...

Nice Save - A Place to Share

It’s free play, the 30 to 45 minutes of magical time at camp when nothing and everything happens. I walk from the dining room to the main campus after dinner and stop to watch five 9- and 10-year-old...

Economic Injury Disaster Loan Limit Raised to $2 Million

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has retooled the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program to better serve and support businesses still reeling from the pandemic.  Starting...

OSHA’s Requirement for Vaccination and Testing and the Impact on Camps

Join us for an update on OSHA’s new Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) on Vaccination and Testing and its impact on camps.  Under the new standard, covered employers must develop, implement, and...

ACA and CDC Town Hall for Camps and Out of School Time Professionals (May 11, 2022)

Watch the Town Hall...