Showing: 21-30 of 33 results

Where Can We Find the Money?

I really want a new (insert here: archery range, campership fund, pirate ship for the waterfront). My (insert here: camper fees, organization's budget, personal bank account) does not support this....

Transportation - Issues and Laws for Camps

Transportation Resources Vehicle Log...

How Culture-sensitive Are Your Camp Health Services?

Campers and staff come from a variety of backgrounds. An urban-savvy camper becomes the bunkmate to a youth raised on a rural farm; two girls — one from a small mountain village and the other from a...

Mental Health Issues in Camp

A healthy part of children’s emotional development includes occasional bouts of feeling down or stressed, but how do you know when it’s serious? Depression and anxiety are two of the most common...

U.S. Department of Agriculture - Summer Food Service Program

Summer Food Service Program - U.S. Department of Agriculture

During the school year, many children receive free and reduced-price breakfast and lunch through the School Breakfast and National School Lunch Programs.  But, when school is not in session,...

20/20 Toolbox: Scholarship, Fundraising, and Outreach Strategies for All Camps

As camp operators, we are keenly aware that when kids go to camp, they make positive gains in self-reliance, independence, communication, and self-esteem. Unplugged from the constant electronic buzz...

20/20 Toolbox: The American Camp Association as Your Camp’s Nonprofit Partner

For many camps, the benefits of partnering with an existing nonprofit for the purpose of scholarship fundraising far outweigh the extensive challenges of starting their own nonprofit. If your camp is...

20/20 Toolbox: Mixing the Nonprofit with the For Profit

Soon after we assumed the ownership of Camp Mont Shenandoah in 1996, my husband, Jay, and I were interested in establishing a scholarship program for our campers. We were clueless, however, as to how...

The Big Eight . . . and Other Culinary Menaces to Camper Society

“The gluten-free cinnamon rolls are amazing!” Those emphatic words are emblazoned in my brain, stamped into my memory. As tears began to well in her eyes, Annalise, one of our counselors, looked...