Board Diversification - Panel DiscussionHosted by ACA's Not-for-Profit Council Conversations about Boards of Directors ACA's Not-for-Profit Council hosts regular conversations on topics signifcant to nonprofit camps...
Delivering Happiness: Five Things Camps Can Learn from ZapposTony Hsieh's book, Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose, struck a cord with millions of people. The best-selling book by the CEO of, Inc. about the...
Learning for Life: Reaching New Audiences, Reaching New HeightsIn a world that is witnessing the most dramatic demographic transformation in its history, these words could not be more poignant. Defining camp by duration, activity, or location, or by labels such...
Does Your Camp Reinforce, Resist, or Relieve Gender Stereotypes?Can you believe that sexist practices and beliefs remain entrenched in camps, even in this day and age? Although we have made great strides over the last decade to eradicate overtly sexist behaviors...
Why the World Needs Summer Camp: An Essay to ParentsIt is not easy for parents to make the decision to send their child away into the waiting arms of strangers who promise to take care of them — people who promise to show them the wonders of nature,...
Longer Camp Sessions: Disappearing Dinosaur or Timely Treasure?Gone are the days when most, or even many, camps offered only full sessions of seven or eight weeks. Shrinking summer vacations for all age groups, staggered college start dates for staff populations...
Why Day Camp MattersWhen looking for summer activities for their children, parents today are faced with an incredible wealth of options. Many of these options describe themselves as “camp”: sports camps, arts camps,...
It Was the Best Week Ever! The Value of One-Week and Short-Term Camp SessionsCamp directors and parents alike will enjoy hearing children report about their week at summer overnight camp as the “best week ever!” And it just may be that some of the best evidence that describes...
Camp . . . MAGNIFIED! The Benefits of Specialty CampsSpecialty camps serve a specific population exclusively. That service can be with regard to need or desire. And while the educational camp programs at the US Space & Rocket Center — Space Camp...