Showing: 1-10 of 11 results

Medical and Disability Camps Kindred Community Calls

Join us bimonthly for conversation and sharing.  Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 3:00 pm Eastern -...

Supporting LGBTQIA+ participants on outdoor and travel experiences

GLSEN Safe Space Kit

US Department of Education Practices for Supporting Transgender Students

Gender Spectrum LGBTQ Resources

Supporting & Caring for Transgender Children

Creating Inclusive Camp: Unpacking the Tools and Strategies for Summer

The Inclusive Camps Tool is designed to help you and your camp identify the work you already do to make your camp an inclusive space. It does this by supporting you in identifying where you are on a...

Supporting Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Camp Environment

Camping and leisure activities are important for all of us, including individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This webinar will begin to identify the benefits of having children with ASD and...

Social Justice and Camp — Talking About It

“You get all those different kids at camp, but it wasn’t there. It didn’t affect them there. There was so much love in the air. They came together, bonding, making friends, doing things they can’t do...

A Translation of Norms

The dining hall area is filled with families playing Loteria (like Bingo except pictures are called out instead of numbers). Loteria is the Spanish word for lottery. The excitement builds with the...