Showing: 11-20 of 3648 results

ACA-Accredited Camp Logo

You may be eligible to use one of the logos of the American Camp Association. ACA logos are carefully protected by trademark laws – logos are not to be altered in any way, except for size...

Frequently Asked Questions about the ACA Youth Outcomes Battery

Why Were These Tools Constructed? Many camp professionals are faced with the challenge of proving that they meet their program goals. The following tools — designed with camp professionals in mind...

Research and Evaluation Advisory Committee

The Research and Evaluation Advisory Committee (REAC) has the charge to "advise and support the research and evaluation functions of the Association as it serves to develop and enhance knowledge...

Articles Available for Press Reprint

Reprint permission for any of these articles can be obtained by contacting Kaley Amonett, ACA's Editorial Communications Manager. Please...

Tom Rosenberg, President/CEO, Biography

Tom melds his experience in the camp profession with business expertise, inspirational vision, successful fundraising experience, professional agility, organizational skills, and strategic focus —...

Child Abuse Prevention Resources

Top Tips for Camps

Camps Outside the U.S.

The following camps are members of ACA outside the United States: China American International Travel Services...

Summer Camp Jobs: Why Work at a Camp?

Does this describe you or someone you know? You love the outdoors. You love hiking and biking and sailing. And — your good friend says you're great with kids. If you relate to this, then there'...

Facts about Free Memberships

This program was originally designed to help connect as many frontline staff (or counselors) as possible with their first professional association. This promotion is good only for individuals...

Critical Things Staff Need to Know about Bullying Prevention

Bullying is here to stay in summer camp and this course is designed to help you be prepared and ready to act this summer as well as between the seasons. Bullying can happen in 4 ways: physical,...