Human Resources

Preparing for a Job Fair

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 16:08

Get set up for success at any camp job fair by following some simple guidelines:

Choosing the best camp fair for you!

  • Contact the placement office, before registering, and inquire about: student involvement/attendance, camp attendance, and private interview space availability. And, ask for the names of several directors from previous job fairs; call them to learn about their successes at particular colleges or universities.
  • Find out if the camp fair is being held in conjunction with another. Stand alone camp job fairs tend to bring in more students with a particular interest in camps.
  • Lower recruitment costs by attending several fairs in one area. Often colleges or universities in one region of the country will schedule job fairs on consecutive dates.
  • Review your staff over the last several years. Determine from which schools your best staff members have come.
  • Expand your search. Consider recruiting community college students. According to Kenneth C. Green of the Claremont Graduate School, students today are "unbundling" their education (e.g., taking classes first at a community college and then transferring to a private university).

Prepping for the big day . . .

Using your time wisely . . .

  • Allow time to interview the most qualified applicants. You may need to bring a second staff member with you to help with interviewing. This person could be a reliable student on your staff who attends that school.
  • Accept mini-applications, with simply a name, phone number, and why the student wants to work at camp.
  • Take notes to remember individuals who impressed you or who seemed very interested in your camp.

Common courtesy

  • Avoid talking with a director or staff member from another camp when it appears a job seeker is approaching to talk with that person.
  • Never say negative things about another camp.
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