ACA Wildfire Symposium


October 24, 2024
9:00 am – 3:30 pm PT


ACA Wildfire Symposium logo


Cost $50 members, $90 non-members



Join us for the ACA 2024 Virtual Wildfire Symposium.  Wildfire is a potential threat not just in the West but across the country.  We hope you will join us for a day of quality professional development focusing on wildfire preparation, response, and recovery.   Participants will learn from industry experts and will also have time to brainstorm and share ideas together. 


  1. On the event day, access the attendee portal by logging into your ACA account.
  2. In the top right corner of the ACA website, choose login.  Enter your email address and password, or "My Account" if you are logged in.
  3. After choosing "My Account" choose My Event Registrations in the top menu.
  4. Select ACA Wildfire Symposium 2024.
  5. Expand ( + or - ) any session to view more details and access the session room ("Join Live" button)

  • Registration includes virtual program and recordings of sessions which will be available for 30 days following the event. 
  • Not an ACA Member? Join today for FREE and get the best rates for this event! 
Type Regular
Member $50
Nonmember $90


Preview session titles, session descriptions and speaker bios:

View the full program.

Schedule at a glance

Thursday, October 24, 2024 all events in Pacific Time

  • 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. — Welcome and General Session 
  • 10:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. — Break
  • 10:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. — Education Session 1
  • 11:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. — Break
  • 11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. — Education Session 2
  • 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. — Break
  • 12:30 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. — Educational Session 3
  • 1:15 p.m. – 1:30p.m. — Break
  • 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. — Group Discussion
  • 2:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. — Break
  • 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. — Closing General Session

Ilana Abrahamson, Supervisory Ecologist, Missoula Fire Science Laboratory 

Ilana Abrahamson is a supervisory ecologist with the US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory.  Ilana manages the Fire Effects Information System (FEIS,, which is an online database of research syntheses about fire ecology and fire regimes in the United States. She also manages and writes hands-on activities for the FireWorks Educational Program (, which teaches students about the science of wildland fire.

Andy Balendy, VP of Operations, Guided Discoveries, Inc. (CIMI, AstroCamp, Catalina SeaCamp, Camp CHOP)

Andy began working with Guided Discoveries, Inc. in 1998 as a marine science instructor.  Since then, he has held numerous roles within the organization, including serving as the program director or site director for each of their five facilities and international programs.  In addition to experience as a scuba instructor, wilderness EMT, and Red Cross Lifeguard Instructor, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology/Ecology and minor in Marine Science from Pennsylvania State University and a master’s degree in Marine Biology from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. 

Ozzie Barron, Cofounder, Project:Camp 

The Co-Founder and Deputy Director of Project:Camp, Ozzie’s goal isn’t simply to provide a safe space for kids whose lives have been disrupted by natural disasters, but to help them learn, grow and thrive as a result. Having had an impactful, transformative experience as a camper and counselor at summer camp, Ozzie and the Project:Camp team aim to provide the same mentorship, humor and sense of belonging that they associate with camp for kids who need it most. 

Brandie “Peaches” McAdams, Executive Director, R.M. Pyles Boys Camp 

Peaches is a former military spouse and critical care nurse turned non-profit executive director. Whether it’s helping refugees along the Syrian border or singing songs at camp fire, her heart has always wanted to help and serve others. She loves a good trash novel and being her kids biggest and loudest fan.   

Panelists - Lessons Learned from Rebuilding and Recovery  

Ray Lopez, Camp Director St. Vincent de Paul of Los Angeles/Circle V Ranch Camp 

Alex Grimm, Camp Director, Okizu 

Tony Fletcher, Director, Enchanted Hills Camp for the Blind 

Ari Vared, Executive Director, Camp Newman

Sponsorship opportunities:

  • $3,000 Title Sponsor*
  • $2,000 Keynote Sponsor*
  • $1,000 Session Sponsor
  • $500 Friend of Camp Sponsor

All sponsorships come with logo recognition on signage at the event, and on the events web page.

Sponsorships with an (*) also include two minutes to address the participants.

Please contact Kim Fitzgerald, with any sponsorship inquiries.

Event Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsoring an ACA event will extend your brand identity and marketing capabilities.  For questions regarding sponsorship opportunities, contact Kim Fitzgerald.